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Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Like a wave

Those feelings finally go away, and I feel relieved,
for rejection and failures had left me bereaved. 

Dreams were broken, and hopes were thrashed,
Perhaps it's time for a new start; but I'm still abashed.

'Do not give up' is a refrain I've heard often;
But isn't it alright to when it's the final nail in the coffin?

So I try and try, to get ready for a new innings;
But then those feelings come back, like a wave just beginning:
Small at first, and then gaining momentum,
Come for minutes, only to go away at the next sight of any tension

Yet a little hope flickers again, the heart again beats true.
Oh, I wonder, why am I not able to let it go!

Why do I want to pursue the same thing again -
To face the horrors of failures, to go through the same pain?
What if it again turns out to be a mirage,
Isn't life good enough, without a big applause?

And I wonder and wonder if I'm making the right choice, 
But it's the game of life, one I'm not able to play with poise..

1 comment:

  1. Of the myriad of experiences in life, some connections grow in grandeur with a stronghold; now and then, in their unavailability, swaying the castle of tender memories, making us feel orphaned of their unparalleled strength..
